Monday, 28 April 2014

What went well last week #9


These are a few activities that worked really well for me last week. 

This is for me to remember in my practice what games, songs, etc. work and also share my ideas with you. 

Most of the ideas below are really simple, they are tried and tested in various schools and they work!

 I.D. card
In Year 5 we are taking a ‘pretend’ trip to France this half term and before setting on our journey we’re looking at passports and ID cards so we can go though passport control.
This week we’re making our own French ID card using this template :

 'Google' > French blank ID card.

Introducing fruits with Year 3.

This half term, in Year 3 we are looking at fruits and vegetables, healthy eating and reading a story about a hungry giant.

Last week we started by learning the name of 5 fruits: une banane, une pomme, un poire, une pêche, un abricot

Most of these are cognates or near cognates so I wanted to focus on accuracy in pronunciation and special features such as accents

I find that often children have problems with mute ‘e’ at the end of words (banane) – which they sound like ‘a’ and also silent letters at the end of words (abricot).

I thought of an action to help them remember not to say these letters and thought it would be easier to explain through a video… (please don’t laugh !) You can also see me putting my hat on for the circumflex accent in pêche . If the video doesn't play on your device you can find it here

On the topic of fruits, veg and food in general here are a couple of video which I’ll be using: 


What about you? What worked well for you last week?