This is a simple story to explain the legend of the ‘flying
On Good Friday it is thought that church bells fly to Rome
to be blessed by the Pope and on their way back to France on Easter Sunday they
drop chocolate eggs in the gardens. Children go on Easter egg hunt in the
garden on Sunday morning.
This story is intended for KS1/KS2 and is great to recap
days of the week and simple statements: voici (here is..) ; je suis ( I am…)
Children can join in the story, act is out, etc.
After telling the story, you can have your own Easter
egg/bell hunt in the classroom using simple instructions.
Finally, let the children decorate their own bell and hang
them with a piece of string – there you have your own ‘flying bell’ !
In Year 4, I’m also going to have a go at letting the children
in groups re-telling the story, in a puppet style show, using the pictures and
then making a film of it.
Key vocabulary
Good Friday = vendredi Saint
Easter Sunday = le dimanche de Paques
Easter egg hunt = la chasse aux oeufs de Paques
The bells = les cloches.
Merci les cloches! = Thank you bells!